Plaguecore's Blog

Please Help Me

It's the holiday season and I work retail, so I've been a bit drained. I do want to add some stuff to the website, but I also desperately need to complain about retail real quick.

When I work, I'm usually either on online returns or in the stock room handling a very specific part of the store's merchandise. Love stock room, barely any complaints, I just hate waking up early to get there before the store opens. Online returns during the holiday season is a fucking nightmare.

It's not Christmas yet, so most of the issues with returns has avoid specific terminology, people calling customer service to change the order after the fact or requesting replacement items or whatever else causes this specific issue to happen during the return process. Often, this means I have to fill out paperwork. This also means the customer is out for my blood specifically and is really fucking pissed off because they have to wait a little bit to get their refund. Typically, it takes...a week? Maybe? But it's the holiday season, so the warehouse is really backed up. So...orders are taking longer and so are unprocessed returns.

After Christmas...Oh, after Christmas......all hell is going to break loose, with those people returning gifts. It's bad enough at the register, but online returns? Nobody knows literally any of the information and gets soooo mad that you can't just look up the item to see which order it was -- even if we could, the company probably sold thousands of that specific item, what do you mean look up the item!!!

Unrelated, but I think about this Onion article a lot.

Unrelated to all of that, my partner and I both have a thing for this guy who recently started working with us. Pray for him.