Plaguecore's Blog

Political Organizing, Life Updates, Whatever

I could probably cover more things in more detail if I posted more often, huh?

Anyway, at some point last year, I became involved in organizing a tenant union where I live. I kind of lurk in the signal chat, but I finally got a chance to go to a meeting and volunteered to do some canvassing and...I'm genuinely surprised by how receptive people have been. It's been an interesting experience.

Some of the organizing has been done by DSA members and I've been really impressed by them, I'm sorry to the DSA for being such a hater in the past. I'm not planning on joining up anytime soon, but the DSA members around here have been great.

I joined the IWW. Still waiting on some stuff with that.

Went to a protest in...November? Massive!

My partner and I got interviewed by a journalism student towards the end of the year. He specifically approached us because we seemed to be the opposite of the QAnon guys he had spoken to earlier (I have a hammer and sickle patch on my jacket). He was asking people's opinions on division in the country and apparently we were the most optimistic people he spoke to that entire day. Wild, but we felt pretty good about that.

My partner and I started hanging out with the one coworker we're into. He's so weird. I love gay people.

Got back on HRT a few days ago (gel this time) and I'm unsure how I feel about it. Better than injections in the sense that I don't have to stick needles anywhere, but I think I prefer doing injections every other week and feeling deranged for a whole day afterwards. I dunno, I'll give it some time.